7 Gostus

The Lord's Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 (Feb 27)
2 (Feb 28)
Ferial Day
3 (Mar 1)
Ferial Day
4 (Mar 2)
Ferial Day
5 (Mar 3)
Ferial Day
6 (Mar 4)
Saint Casimir, Confessor
7 (Mar 5)
Ferial Day
8 (Mar 6)
Quinquagesima Sunday
(Mar 7)
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Doctor
9 (Mar 8)
Saint John of God, Confessor
F (Mar 9)
Ash Wednesday
F (Mar 10)
Ferial Day
F (Mar 11)
Ferial Day
F (Mar 12)
Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor
(Mar 13)
1 Lord's Day in Lent
F 10 (Mar 14)
Ferial Day
F 11 (Mar 15)
Ferial Day
F 12 (Mar 16)
Ember Wednesday
F 13 (Mar 17)
Saint Patrick, Bishop and Confessor
F 14 (Mar 18)
Saint Cyril, Bishop and Doctor
Ember Friday
F 15 (Mar 19)
Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Ember Saturday
16 (Mar 20)
2 Lord's Day in Lent
Our Lady said at La Salette: “The world takes no notice of Lent. People go to the butchers like dogs.”

On days of Fast, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals may be taken according to one's needs; but together they should not equal another full meal.

During Lent it is recommend to abstain from television or severely restrict its use.